
Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Mom, Did You Know?

Some Christmas songs are classics, you never get tired of hearing them.  "Mary, Did You Know" is one of those for me.  I think it strikes a chord with mothers everywhere.

 Did Mary know when she carried that child....

that there would be moments when she would be so proud of this child she couldn't hold it inside any longer like the day His greatness was revealed at the wedding in Cana?    "My son can solve your problem, just ask him then do what He says,"  and within moments the guests are complimenting the host on the best wine they have ever tasted. As Mary observed Jesus healing, outwitting the Pharisees, loving the children, teaching the disciples, giving significance and respect to the women around Him, her heart must have been bursting with pride.   The angel had told her that her son would be great and she...believed.

that there would be moments of confusion... after frantic hours of searching for her son she finds him calmly discussing spiritual matters with esteemed Rabbis at the Temple.  Confusion as he calmly explained to her that he was doing the work of his Father.

and that there would be moments of  fear and pain... running away to Egypt in the middle of  the night to save her seemingly obscure, unknown infant son, born in a smelly stable and bedded in a feeding trough from the greatest king in Judea who had decided to hunt him down to kill him.   The moment of terror when she was informed that her son had been arrested by the Roman soldiers and condemned to death.  The pain seizing her heart causing her to gasp for air as she watched her son, her firstborn child,  writhe  in pain with each agonized breath on a rough, Roman cross.  She suffered too, remembering skinned knees and bruised heads,  wanting to kiss away this pain as she had so easily done those many years ago.

Mom, did you know,

 that you would experience those same moments of pride when the greatness you knew was in your child's heart shows itself to the world, when the daily songs of praise echoing through the halls of your home now echo off church walls worshiping the Lord or the child you mothered with patience and prayer now mothers your grandchildren with sacrificial, steadfast love.  That greatness you have always known existed in your child bursts forth because you... believed...  and instilled in the heart of your children that God had great plans for them.

that there would be moments of confusion when your child wandered away, putting himself in danger, ignoring the lessons you so faithfully taught him to go his own way.   When in the confusion all you could do was pray and continue to believe.

that there would be moments of pain when you see your child hurting and you can't do a thing to stop it.   You hold him, hug him, pray for him but you can't kiss those booboos away and the pain tears your own heart open.  But you continue to believe...

Elizabeth's affirmation when Mary showed up at her doorstep,

"Blessed is she who has believed that the Lord would fulfill His promises to her" (Luke 1:45)

 has been my mantra this Christmas.


is posted everywhere, on wrapping paper, Christmas cards, country signs and shiny ornaments.. Most people read this as a reminder to keep the spirit of Santa in your heart.  But can we find another meaning there?

When I held this baby, my first child,  in my arms in 1982  I didn't know what the future would hold, the pride, confusion, or pain that would come with loving this child and her two sisters and one brother to follow.  I still don't know.

What I do know is that , like Mary, I am blessed because I KNOW that my Lord loves these children even more than I do.  He will be with them and with me through all the good days and the bad days.

 When all I can do is Pray - it will be enough, 

  because the Lord who fulfilled His promises through Mary's Son is still fulfilling His promises to this Mom- promises of peace, salvation and hope.

That is all every Mom really needs to know.

God has got this!   My babies and yours are safe  in His loving arms.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Monday Morning Messes

It is Monday morning and I have a choice to make.  I daresay many of you have the same choice.

I can choose to Yell because my dining room has been overrun with airsoft gear making it an obstacle course to be maneuvered with great caution or I can be thankful because I have a healthy, active, intellectual son who spent his Saturday out in the fresh air strategizing winning airsoft moves and building relationships. 

I can Yell because the music my husband was practicing for Sunday morning worship is still sitting on my dining room table or I can be thankful that after 32 years of marriage my husband is still worshiping God as faithfully as he did the first day I was "smitten" by his handsome face and killer guitar skills at a college Inter-Varsity meeting.

I can Yell  because my son left his electric guitar in the middle of our living room when he came home from church or I can be thankful that he is following in his father's footsteps and I can watch them Praise the Lord side by side

I can yell because the sub sandwich wrapper is still sitting on the couch from last night's dinner or I can be thankful that while I do a 28 day detox,  eating food that is somewhat foreign to this family's tastes, my husband will fend for himself and not ask me to cook separate meals for me and for them.

I can Yell because my son unpacked the backpack full of dirty clothes from his weekend adventure on my dining room table or ..... OK, maybe I should yell about that one.  That's pretty disgusting!

Thankfulness really is a CHOICE.  It has taken me way too long to realize that it is MY choice, only I can step back from my  life and see the grace of God, sometimes buried under the YUCK, just like the worship music was buried under the pile of my son's dirty clothes.  I can confidently tell you that finding the praiseworthy items will bring peace.  And to my grown daughters I apologize for taking too long to figure this out and yelling way too much.  Thank you for your grace and love.  My family is the BEST even if we are a bit messy.

Monday, July 28, 2014

       Today I am honored to be a guest blogger for the Summer Sampler of "by design ministry".  Linda Moore has given me the opportunity to share one of the milestone chapters in my faith journey.   This morning as I drove my son to Heritage Bible Chapel to embark on a youth group camp I retraced the steps of that memorable triathlon.  As  I  remembered God's faithfulness in walking, running, biking and swimming me through each step of that journey the feeling of His never ending strength filled my heart.    I hope my story will remind you of a time in your life when God's faithfulness showed up in a BIG way.


Saturday, June 14, 2014

Great Movie Coming!

After the inspiration and challenge of "God is Not Dead" I am excited to inform you of the next incredible movie on the horizon starring Kevin Sorbo. Budding screenwriter, Nathan Clarkson, is presenting, Confessions of a Prodigal Son, a story that will resonate in the hearts of countless families. Read what Nathan has to say about his new adventure:  

Nathan Clarkson moved to New York for acting school when he was 19 with a burning desire to bring light to a dark world, and a passion for telling truly great stories. Now at 25 years old living in Los Angeles, Nathan looks back on what led him where he is now, in the midst of finishing his first feature film where he stars (also wrote and helped produce) alongside Kevin Sorbo (God’s Not Dead, Soul Surfer, etc…) called Confessions of a Prodigal Son – a modern retelling of the prodigal son story from the bible -. “I can remember coming to LA- poor, passionate, and ready to live my dreams, but what I soon found out was this dream was hard, and didn’t come as easy as I thought. I began to look around me and see others, who like me, came here to Hollywood looking for something, but ultimately found disappointment and heartache in not being able to satisfy the hunger in their souls whether they achieved “success” or not. I began to notice how lost and hurt so many around me were, and I began to realize that the city that promised, to so many, the fulfillment of dreams and desires- Was in reality a concentrated gathering of the broken and hurting looking for “more”. I realized that instead of living in The City of Angeles, I was living in a City of Prodigals. I had my own long nights, weeks, months, years, when I thought giving up on following god would be easier and maybe it would’ve been. But as I continued, even through the hardest times to try my best to follow Jesus, I began to find that the dream I had come here to find was slowly being replaced with a bigger and better dream than I ever could have imagined. Until, one morning I woke up, and felt a tug from God on my heart, to get up and write. I didn’t know what to write, so I asked him, and like a light coming on above my mind, I realized it had to be the prodigal son story, because Jesus has an interest in bringing the prodigals home. So I sat down and took the story Jesus told from the bible and mixed in with my experience in a modern world and long story short, we will soon have Confessions of a Prodigal Son. A story I hope will touch many, and maybe just maybe, call a few prodigals home.” Nathan began his journey into making this film, two years ago, raised all the money himself, through places like Kickstarter, Go Fund Me, and the support of people believing in the message of the story of the Prodigal Son. As word started making it’s way around about the film, more and more people started to become interested and join in the cause, until eventually Nathan had a full crew of talented filmmakers and a cast that included some beloved and well-known actors. Nathan also was able to play opposite his then beautiful Fiancee who in the midst of everything became his wife earlier this year. 


Kevin Sorbo is the father, welcoming His prodigal home. Nathan is the prodigal looking for 
 meaning in his life. 

     At the mention of the word, "prodigal" images jump to mind of drug addicted youth, pregnant runaway girls and teens recklessly partying completely abandoning the values of their youth.  But is this the real picture?  Have you had a time when you questioned if God really knew what was best for you?  Did you ever walk away from JOY to follow a season of pleasure?  I know I have.   Whether your children are sitting obediently beside you in the pew at church or you haven't spoken to them in years this movie has a message for you.   

Show your support for this quality, life changing movie by liking the FaceBook page here:


Wednesday, May 21, 2014

"What's In a Name?" Guest blog

Join me today as I Guest Blog on my amazing friend, Jeanne Doyon's blog,"The Stream's Edge."

I met Jeanne at the New England Christian Writer's Retreat in October 2013:
New England Christian Writer's Retreat 

She cheerfully and passionately gave up her time and I think a few meals to help us newbies get started in the blog world.  Her expertise and cheerleader spirit gave me the push I needed to actually start a blog.  Your faith will be strengthened and your heart uplifted as you follow her blog:

The Stream's Edge 

If you are feeling God's tugging to write in any form this retreat is a safe, inspiring, peaceful place to pursue that call.  Wonderful, talented authors are there to spur you on and teach you how to fulfill God's purpose in your life.  Thank you, Jeanne, for being a dear Sister who pushed (just a little) and gave me the tools to take the next step!

Thursday, March 13, 2014


      Sitting at home, sipping a lovely cup of tea, I watch what could potentially be the last snowfall of the season.  I am sad to see it go.  That may be a dangerous statement when the cries all around me are, “enough already”!   It’s true, we have had more than our share of snow this winter and I do realize that I have not had to drive in it or shovel it so I am writing from a somewhat romanticized point of view.  Nonetheless, when it’s gone there is absolutely nothing we can do to get it back until God ordains that the season of snowfall return.  

     We live in a time of instant gratification.   Everyone knows that but did you know… (a little Geico humor thereJ) BUT did you know that we have lost the joy of anticipation.  A friend and I were discussing the childhood excitement we felt when Frosty the Snowman, or Rudolph or the Charlie Brown Christmas special were shown on TV.  You had one chance to watch so you prepared.  My chores and homework were done,  I jumped into my pj’s, had a snack ready to go and was seated in front of the TV promptly at 8:00 waiting in anticipation.  I had researched the paper knowing exactly what time it would be on and the fun of anticipation had been building for days.
     Is there anything left to anticipate?  Our communication is instantaneous, sometimes to a fault, but that can be a post for another day.  For so many the wedding night is a faded image of a stolen treasure.  Our entertainment choices are available day and night in forms our grandparents could not have even imagined. 
     I guess anticipation is one of the reasons I continue to live in snowy, cold New England.  As the old saying goes, “If you don’t like the weather just wait a minute!”  When I joyfully watch the snowflakes swirl it reminds me that I am not in control but I know the One who is.  Only God will decide when I watch this show again.  The weatherman can try to let me know ahead of time so I can prepare but it will be my heavenly Father, smiling, saying, “Are you ready?  Here it comes!” when the big, fluffy flakes once again fall out of His hands.  

Until then I’ll enjoy today’s snow and watch with anticipation for the surprises He will send in the season to come.

What are you anticipating today?